Our SMID strategy harnesses the best ideas from our small-cap and mid-cap portfolios to create a high-conviction, best ideas portfolio.
Long-term capital appreciation by investing in stocks of small to medium capitalization companies
Historical EPS Growth 5 Yr | 15.3% |
Forecast EPS Growth 5 Yr | 14.3% |
ROE | 20.4% |
Debt to Capital | 36.5% |
Forecast P/E (one year) | 36.9x |
Turnover (one year) | 14.2% |
Number of issues | 34 |
Wtd. Average Market Cap | $18.3B |
Median Market Cap | $10.3B |
As of December 31, 2024
The US SMID Cap Growth investment strategy seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in stocks of small and medium capitalization companies. The market capitalization range for companies in this strategy is generally within the Russell 2500™ Growth Index at the time the company is initially purchased in the strategy. The performance benchmark for the US SMID Cap Growth strategy is the Russell 2500™ Growth Index.
The strategy will typically underperform on a relative basis in speculative markets, periods characterized as “low-quality.” Investing in small and medium-sized companies may be riskier than investing in large companies for several reasons. Many small and medium-sized companies are young and have shorter track records, fewer product lines, limited markets for their products and limited financial resources.
They may be more vulnerable to adverse business and economic conditions than large companies. Stock issued by small and medium-sized companies tends to be less liquid and more volatile than stocks of larger companies with greater resources and more diverse product lines, and more volatile than the market in general.
Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments cannot be made in an index. Returns greater than one year are annualized. *This information is shown as supplemental information to the US SMID Cap Growth Composite Annual Disclosure Presentation shown on the back page.
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